Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Promote Thanet 2 an explaination

I closed down my old Promote Thanet blog after running it for several years. My main reason in closing it down was my health, I have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and now I feel I can restart the blog in a more limited capacity. I was an incomer to Thanet originating not far away in Faversham where I had grown up and going to Ethelbert Road School in the late 1960's. I have now lived in the area for the best part of forty years and am now a resident of Margate. Love the local area and a proud MAN of KENT The history of Kent is something I love to find out about and may cover areas outside of Thanet so be warned, I once had a compaint that an article I posted was not Thanet  interest. Its my blog and I will post about whatever takes my fancy so please dont moan because I wont care Praise however I will read and glow in the warm feeling of success. Please feel free to comment but I do moderate all comments as some people find the time to write sick or stupd comments and if they want to waste there time it is fine by me but I will try my hardest to make sure they dont get posted on any of my blogs. Which brings me round to telling you about my only other blog
Reflecting and Musing is a space where I go when I feel so inclined to just blog stuff but I dont feel I blog on there very often, I hope to  post on here more regularly but I have no aims to be the biggest and best most visitors or win any records. I just aim to do my best and I hope that you will enjoy my feeble efforts.

The Photo below is of work by local Artist Ross Andrews. He captures ephemeral art around the coast both as sand art and wave photography and he also paints. The Next Exhibition of his work will be held in Margates PIE FACTORY click on link below for details

or visit Ross's website 
where you will find links to his social media sites

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